Being an Explorer of Creativity

I am naturally curious by nature. I ask a lot of questions and always want to know why. Ever since I can remember, much to the chagrin of those around me. Why, why, how and on and on. I am curious about everything, even the things I’m not really interested in. What I have learned is that, my creativity is the curious one. We’ve discussed this before in past blog posts, but just in case you are new here (hello and welcome). I am a firm believer that our creativity is a living breathing thing, and the more we cultivate it, explore it, wonder about it, and entertain it. It grows.

My creativity is feminine, she is wild and adventurous. She likes to push the boundaries and see the internal workings and mechanisms.

I’m just along for the picture show.

It is my mission to share these curious endeavors with you. Especially if finding your creativity is or has been a challenge. Now I am no expert on creativity, just an expert, in training, of my own creativity. We have become best friends, accomplices, comrades, soul mates, partners in sadness and joy. I for one would not exist without my creativity. I tried for a bit and suffered for it. This is my journey in creative growth, one that I hope can help you cultivate your creativity.

5 Ideas to Help

Cultivate your Creativity -

“Hello lovely creative self, let’s get to know each other”.

  1. The Idea Jar - as shown above. I use it for both metals and artwork, but it can used for anything you may want to explore. On a scrap of paper write down an idea; place, thought, color, shape, animal, etc. Place all of those ideas in a jar. Take some time to write down ideas, it doesn’t have to be all at once. It’s a practice in thinking and noticing. Ideas will start to pop up. If they have a place to go with the knowledge you might revisit them, they will show up more and more frequently. Once you have a few ideas in your jar and you are ready to explore an idea, pluck one of those juicy pieces of paper out of your jar and go for it. The agreement is that you must explore the word on the piece you just snagged, no give backs…of course that excludes the slip that says travel to Africa, that might not be so practical, but you can do some research on Africa. For example; on a day there is nothing but crickets chirping, I will pull out an idea and then draw that motif. Eg: elephants or if it’s metal maybe the slip says blue stones. I will draw only elephants or set a blue stone in a piece of jewelry.

  2. DayDream - it is similar to meditating, but in this case you can let the chatter in your mind rattle on. Giving it carte blanche to talk as much as it wants. Full on chatter, sit back, listen and explore what comes to mind. I usually set a time limit - 10 minutes, otherwise I might daydream for the next year. I sit by a big window, it’s good to have something to focus your gaze. I also tend to daydream while I am walking (hence tip 3). I need to be in motion more than not. This is something I have had to learn to embrace, we are taught we should sit still, but it is challenging for many of us. Ideas or creative solutions pop into my head regularly while I’m walking. So wiggle if you gotta, shake those ideas to the surface. A song I think of when I think of ideas coming to the surface is Sylvan Esso’s “Shaking of the Numb”

  3. Take a Walk - even if it is a short walk around the outside of your house. Take note of the sky, the smells, the dampness in the air, the stillness or noise (it’s always really noisy at my house, but sometimes those sounds can really be melodic.) I have made color palettes based on my walks. The various shades of grey astound me and depending on the shade of grey that day the greens, browns and rust colors of winter are intensified and almost glow.

  4. Change Your Routine - Take a different route to work, try a recipe with ingredients you wouldn’t normally cook with (if you don’t cook, order a different meal from your favorite restaurant). I really like to explore some weirdness with idea #4 such as - Put your clothes on backwards just to see how it feels on your person. Try writing with your non dominant hand, this always make me laugh. I am never fully in control of my left hand. The idea here is to just try something new even if it is the smallest thing and more than not it will lighten your mood.

  5. Explore the People that Inspire You - they don’t have to be artists, musicians, writers… they can be your children, friends, family etc. The idea is to ask questions, you may learn something you didn’t know about how someone else thinks. Who inspires you and why? If it is an artist, what about their process do you admire and why?

Creativity is our inherent human gift and right. I believe it doesn’t have a definition. Creativity is different from person to person. What I do know, is that when you show up for your creativity, your creativity shows up for you. Consistency is key, a little everyday. None of the ideas mentioned are time consuming and are mostly about having a little fun in the everyday. Experiencing things with all of your senses. I hope your creativity brings you joy, adventure, comfort, laughter, and fulfillment.

Creativity Begets Creativity


Creativity In Bloom


The Deep Dive